S & E

Love love love ALL of the pictures Robin took of the birth! Originally when I thought about who I wanted present for the birth, I wanted as few people as possible, so a birth photographer was not at all on my mind. However, I did want some images and for everyone present to be dedicated to their role- not distracted with trying to also take pictures. Robin did a spectacular job of capturing all of the special moments (something my partner would have had no idea or ability to do) while also remaining hidden and out of the way.
There are so many surprise gifts I am discovering from having all of these birth images and the stories they tell. What I expected from these images only scratched the surface of what I truly have been receiving from them. It is wild to think that someday maybe my great great grandkids will see these images and hear the birth story of how our baby came into this world. Forever grateful to have had Robin document such a life changing moment.


L & L